Brochure on Islamic Family Law

Brochure on Islamic Family Law

In a mixed marriage, religion and Islamic law can become important points of discussion. While the law in an Islamic state can differ greatly from Swiss law (and from other European legal systems), it is important to recognize that there is not one single Islamic law or one Islamic codification but rather a multitude of different versions and opinions. Also important, every “Islamic” state has its own national legislation that may differ from classical Islamic law.

This booklet only explains the law of some Arab states and Iran. Although Iran is an Islamic state but not an "Arab" state, where the text refers to "modern Arab states" or "Islamic states", Iran is included unless specifically noted otherwise. The booklet cannot and does not exhaustively cover all of the questions that may arise or every legal rule. Instead, it outlines the pertinent rules in classical Islamic law (which still serves as a source of inspiration for today’s law) and the same rules in the national law of the state in focus.

Click here to read the brochure in English.