
23 mars 2023
ISDC, Lausanne
- EN
Recent years have seen growing attention on the impacts of tax havens. However, far less attention has been given to freeports, despite some similarities. This may in part be because of the difficulty in defining the term “Freeport”. The term is generally used to refer to deregulated space, but such spaces can be of various kinds and used for various interests. Comparing how the terms are used is in itself interesting - the UK government has announced its ambition for the country to be a world leader in freeports but defines the facilities differently to its European peers. Other aspects of freeports are also worthy of more study. In light of the growth of freeports and other kinds of 'libertarian architecture', Mr. O’Farrell will both examine the definition and uses of freeports and explain his research in considering the local effects and urban design implications of these facilities. His current examination of Geneva’s freeports form a background to his reflections.