Symposium on Salient Issues in International Arbitration

10 nov 2021
Symposium on Salient Issues in International Arbitration
- EN
Does a Transnational Legal Order Exist in International Arbitration?
The Symposium is organized by the Center on International Commercial Arbitration at American University Washington College of Law under the direction of Professor Horacio A. Grigera Naón, and the Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé, represented by Professors Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer and Rodrigo Polanco Lazo. The Symposium is co-sponsored by the following institutions: UNIDROIT (Rome), Hague Conference on Private International Law (The Hague), Bucerius Law School (Hamburg), Escuela Libre de México (México), and Tsinghua University School of Law (Beijing). The Symposium is also supported by Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) as media partner.