Private International Law in East Asia

Private International Law in East Asia

07 févr. 2024

Private International Law in East Asia

The Institute is very pleased to announce the publication of the book Private International Law in East Asia - From Imitation to Innovation and Exportation, published by Hart Publishing and co-edited by Olivier Gaillard (Legal Adviser) and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (Vice Director)

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The volume stems from the Institute’s 2021 conference examining the conflict of law rules in East Asian states, adding additional angles to the conference’s focus on the laws in Mainland China and Japan. The book takes up the separate rules of Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as the laws of South Korea.

Beyond a description of the substance of the current law, the contributors highlight the evolution these jurisdictions have undergone since being adopters of rules developed in European and North American legal systems. As evidenced by recent modernisations in their private law regimes, these East Asian states are now innovators, creating rules that are more suited to the local concerns. Significantly, the new approaches to private international law taken by China and Japan are themselves being adopted by other jurisdictions, shifting the locus of influence in this important area of law.
This book is open access and can be downloaded free of charge.